Tiruchengodu is in Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu. KonguNadu includes in it 24 villages, out of which Pundhurai, located in Erode district is one of the important pilgrimage centre. West of Cauvery is Melakarai Pundhurai and East of Cauvery is Kilakarai Pundhurai. Kilakarai Pundhurai is famously known as Thiruchengodu. The word "Thiruchengodu" means beautiful, steeped hill in Tamil Language. |
This city has various other names like Nagasalam, Panimalai, Kodhai Malai, Aravakiri, Vayu Malai, Kongumalai, Nagagiri, Vandhimalai, Siddharmalai and still more. Now, this city is in Namakkal district and located 20 kms from Erode. In ancient days, Tiruchengodu is known as "Thirukodimaadachenkunrur". |
Tiruchengodu is famous for its hill and the temple on the top. Ancient and historical Thiruchengodu is crowned with Mummurthies named Arthanareeswar, Chengodu Velan and Athikesava Perumal. The ancient Arthanareeswar temple was mentioned in the Tamil work Silapathikaram as Neduvelkunru. |